Pop-Up West Eligibility and Application

Application Overview 

  1. Contact information for the applicant
  2. Vital Business Information (Name, Business Address, Business License)
  3. Training Program Completed
  4. Brief Description of your business model (Progress achieved in your business development; training, investments or grants, product development, and technical assistance services leveraged)
  5. Application Attachment: One-Pager

Find the Pop-Up West Application at the bottom of the webpage. Submit the form and attach your one-pager prior to submitting the form. Save the Full Application Details document for reference. 

Application Annual Review Dates: April 1 & Oct 1 


The Pop-Up West Shop is temporarily taken over by emerging small business owners for 90-120 days. From planning hours of operation to designing product layout, the Pop-Up West space becomes something new every time a new business steps in. Applicants can customize the space however it fits their business. Applicants must review the Pop-Up West Space Guidelines prior to submitting their application. Applying ensures you have read and agree to the Space Guidelines. RenewAll also provides Pop-Up shop materials. A list of the materials we provide will be sent to your email after applying. Applicants are welcome to use the materials during their time at Pop-Up West and can bring their own display materials in addition to or in substitute of what RenewAll provides. Get inspired by scrolling through the images or visiting the space!

View the Space Guidelines here. 


  • Complete a basic business course
  • Business License
  • Have a business plan with SMART goals
  • Have a brand or vision for your brand
  • Budget plan for time at Pop-up West (90-120 days)
  • Set a schedule for opening/operation hours


  • Set a schedule and be on-site when scheduled to be open
    • Follow through with the schedule in writing to RenewAll
    • Be open at times when other shops are open
  • Deliver your business information to RenewAll Staff
    • Contact information (personal and business)
    • Pitch Statement
    • Social media/website
    • Logos, photos, and other promotional material


Attach a one-page plan to your application and include the following information:

  • Describe steps for your business development
  • How will the Pop-Up West opportunity benefit your business?
  •   SMART GOAL for Pop-Up (Example: Bejeweled will introduce five new products to the community in the Pop-Up Shop and measure growth over the 90-day period using sales and social media followers.)
  • What is your vision for the customer experience at the Pop-up Shop?
  • How will you represent your brand and company using the Pop-up Shop?
  • Provide a description of any special equipment or displays that you need to use the Pop-up Shop.
  • If awarded, participants may be offered a stipend of $500 in addition to the in-kind contribution of the space. How would you spend the $500 to grow your business?
  • The Pop-Up Shop is available for 90-120 days. During that time, you will begin to plan the next phase of your business. What is your most idealistic vision for the Pop-Up Space?