Village Antiques’ is Growing!

Last Updated 3/25/2024

As a business that houses small businesses, it’s always exciting to see growth and positive changes. A few of our dealers/businesses are expanding, thriving, and increasing their footprint within our building! We wanted to highlight a couple of these that are currently in an upward motion! 

Abby Roads Thrifts

Owner Abby Sowards is switching locations and moving her wares into the former Finds & Designs shop space on the second floor. Abby specializes in vintage clothing, accessories, jewelry, home décor, small furniture and her own original artwork – primarily paintings and prints – all of which she intends to increase in volume. Even more exciting is the fact that this shift and additional floor space will enable her to offer more vintage and mid-century modern (MCM) furniture as well! Abby will be opening in the new space effective April 1st! 

Abby Sowards joins RenewAll Staff

Abby has also become the most recent part-time staff at Village Antiques. She says she is happy to be a part of a team that supports antiques, arts, and a cultural movement.  Abby is a graduate of Davis & Elkins College located in Elkins, WV, where she obtained a Degree in Fine Art. In addition to working at Village Antiques, she also offers Ice Skating lessons.

Her grandmother is one of her inspirations for loving vintage clothing and opening her own space at Village Antiques. "I like that I get to work on my booth and focus on my business while helping other businesses like mine," Abby said. “I’m having fun painting and preparing my new space,” she added.     

Mike Prewit expands his booth

Antique & Art dealer, Mike Prewit (photographed below), is also expanding his business and moving into a larger room/space on our main level. Mike’s love for art first brought him into the world of antiquing. He now focuses on high-quality furniture of all eras, collectible framed artwork, art glass, and nicer home décor. He currently offers MCM, Eastlake, and a variety of furniture along with lamps, art, and curated accent pieces that catch his eye. As his business grows, he intends to continue to offer more unique items that we know you will love for your home, business, or studio! Mike is already up and running, yet still adding a few finishing touches to his shop. 

Mike shares his love for antiques

Mike Prewitt, PhD, RRT, serves as the Dean of Marshall University’s College of Health Professions. He enjoys having his own small business within Village Antiques, and the ability to showcase fine art that he has been collecting for years. “I especially love going to auctions and estate sales to see what I can find, and incorporate into my business," Mike said. 
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